SUNDAY Services
” Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God” Ex 20 v 9-10
“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4 v 24
We meet twice each Sunday, in the morning starting at 10.00 am and in the evening starting at 6.00 pm.
Our services are centred on God, reliant on the Holy Spirit and seek to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that the preaching of the Word illuminated by the power of the Holy Spirit is the means by which God blesses His people and brings about Salvation. Services include times of prayer, a sermon and the singing of praises.
The church uses the New Kings James Bible in her worship and meetings. The church uses the new Christian Hymns, Mount Road Praise and occasional additional song sheets.
The church seeks to provide access to the Word of God for all those who meet with us. The church makes reasonable adjustments to ensure those with disability are not at a disadvantage.
In our services our prayer, worship and desire is that we will know the presence of the Lord and that He will pour out a blessing of the living water on us.
At the conclusion of one of the Sunday services there is opportunity to have refreshments and fellowship.

We invite You
Come and Worship With Us
Morning service 10 am each Sunday
Evening service 6 pm each Sunday