Wednesday EVENING
bible study
” Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth “ 2 Timothy 2 v 15
The church meets to study the Word of God together at 7.30 pm every Wednesday of the month in church. Currently our study is from the gospel of Matthew.
We study the bible each weDnesday EVENING
Through the study of the Bible the church gains fuller understanding of the Word and the application of the Word in our lives. We study the Word because it is God’s Word to us; it is totally reliable and without error; God does not change and the nature of mankind does not change; there is so much false teaching; it equips us to serve Him better; it addresses our sin.

We invite You
Come and Worship With Us
Morning service 10 am each Sunday
Evening service 6 pm each Sunday